Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I Start?

From now on you will receive and email with a life sign button every day.

Can I Change the sending schedule?

Yes. Open the dashboard and scroll all the way to the bottom and press the ‘Modify messaging schedule’ button. Now you can change the time you receive the life sign request email and when you receive the reminder. You can also change how long it takes before messages are sent to your buddies. Note: if you want your buddies to receive the alert all at the same time set the buddies ‘hours’ fields to zero.

Can I temporarily stop receiving emails?

Sure. Open the dashboard and scroll all the way to the bottom and press the ‘Modify messaging schedule’ button. Click on the first button () to turn off the schedule. You will see a warning that no life sign requests are sent. To switch on sending click the button again. Please note that your buddies are not informed that the schedule is turned off.

Can I change my name and add a picture?

Yes no problem. Initially the name is taken from your email address. You can change it to a more friendly name by opening the dashboard and clicking on the name you want to change. You can then change your name of the profile page. On this page you can also add a profile picture.

How to change the time zone

The time zone settings come from your browser. If you want to change the time zone setting you have change these settings on your computer. If you then press the save button in the schedule section of the TheLifeSigns dashboard, the new time zone will be used.

Are my data safe?

TheLifeSigns uses industry standard security measures. The communication between your browser and our server is encrypted. Your password is stored encrypted. If you login via your Google account we even do not receive your password. For more information see our Privacy Policy page.

Is the TheLifeSigns service free?

TheLifeSigns service is privately funded and not aimed at making profit. The service is currently free. If however, the service grows we may have to ask for a contribution to cover the server and maintenance costs. But for now: just enjoy the free service.

In some cases alerts to buddies are sent the next day. Is this not too late?

The email based alerting system works on a daily cycle. If the monitored person does not respond, the alerts will be sent either the same day or the next day, depending on when the life sign button was pressed. If this time period is sufficient depends on the type of incident; A human can go without water for about three days up to a week. In many situations this alerting period will therefore not be life threating.

Can I be sure my buddies will be alerted?

There are things you can do to increase the reliability. Please make sure your buddies email addresses are correct and that they accept their role as buddy. You can easily do this by sending them a verification email using the verification button on the dashboard. We also strongly recommend to test the system by deliberately not pressing the life sign button and checking if the buddies receive the alerting emails. You can add information using the notes link.
Please read the Terms of Service page for the Limitation of Liability statements from TheLifeSigns.

I am not sure if I pressed the life signs button today. How can I check?

You can check if you pressed the button by selecting the notes link in your email. All button presses are recorded. You can also log in to your dashboard and check the latest button press. Please note that pressing a button more than once does not have any consequences.

I received a request to contact someone. What should I do?

If you receive such a request the monitored person did not press the life sign button. Please first check if the situation has been resolved in the meantime by selecting the ‘notes’ link. Perhaps the life sign button has been pressed after you have received the request. If you decide to follow up, then please press the ‘Ok, I follow up’ button. We will then not send requests to the remaining buddies. Please execute the instruction provided by the monitored person.

You can also indicate that you cannot follow up. We will then send requests to other buddies.

Can a buddy check if a life sign button was pressed before getting an email?

Yes. Log in, and open the dashboard of the person you are monitoring. The dashboard logs how long ago the life sign button was pressed.